
An affordable platform for every internal audit department

Quick Facts

No user license fees

Unlimited Users

  • Your entire internal audit team.
  • Every Process Owner.
  • Every Vice President.
  • Your Audit Committee Chair.

Everyone who will benefit from the platform, included in one flat fee.

Know your team’s status

Interactive Dashboards

  • See your audit plan.
  • Know the status of SOX testing.
  • See real-time open requests.
  • Know when your auditors will be ready for their next assignment.

Keep work together

No More Spreadsheets

  • SOX testing.
  • Operational audits.
  • Customized audit lead sheets
  • Manage requests within the platform

Bye-Bye weekly updates

Manage With Ease

  • Assign and re-assign audits.
  • Know what audits are planned and who is on each audit team.
  • Know when audit requests and questions are addressed.

Create reports in the platform

Makes Reporting Easy

Create report templates in IAStream for audit reports, management reports, and Audit Committee reports. Then let the platform take care of the details.

Priced for every budget

Budget Friendly

  • $750 one-time implementation fee.
  • $7,500 annual fee.
  • No fees for current or future added features.
  • No user license fees. Ever.

Transparent Pricing

We made pricing as simple and transparent as possible.

$750 implementation fee.

$7,500 annual fee. That’s it.

No added fees for future features, new users, etc.

We’re auditors too.

We use it, daily

We love to work smarter, not harder.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is IAStream secure?

Yes, built on common back-end IT systems and a user-interface compliant with most security frameworks (we know…we’re auditors).

What about data analytics, automated testing, or an audit library?

Those are coming. As a customer you can help us identify the tools you want added first. Always at no extra cost.

Is there a guarantee?

Absolutely. 50% of the annual fee is due upon implementation, 50% is due after 30 days. You have another 30 days to request a full refund.

Do you need access to our servers?

No. As a cloud-based platform, we don’t need access to your severs, or other sensitive files.

Schedule a demo meeting today.